Blog:D-6.gro (Distimia 6)

Two years ago i found an interesting channal called: "The real ending", It was a Russian
channel that hosted scary games and showed the "Real" ending.
The channel had a lot of videos, and subsribers. But it closed after a message on twitter that read:
"We broke up, and were ending our scary gaming carrier". 
This message ended the channel, and now the uploads completly stoped...
That day i saw a mod they played, a mod that stood out from the rest.
That mods name was Distimia 6 or дистимия 6 this mod was told to be haunted,
the gameplay allmost allways cosisted of walking down a realy long corridor when suddenly "something" happens.
The game files as they sad had a lot of files detecated to the mutilation of your body.
When you woud go into gameplay the first thing you'll notice is the atmosphere of the game.
And sometimes unnerving music played for example: the sound of a crusher, children singing backwards,
and sometimes you coud hear wispers.
The weirdest thing is that there were no enemies, only sometimes shadow people when you looked behind yourself.
And in the game you have to go down, per flor theres a unique letter, that doesen't look like any of the known languege.
Allso in this game there are people who are invinsible, the only way to see them is to bump into one or get your cursor on it.
The ending level leaves you off with an unnerving battle, the battle goes on untill "IT" catches you, or you get the knife and 
kill "IT".
"The real ending" died from "IT" and their game crashed, with their desktop turning into thoes uknown letters.
And a voice sad: "

You fools let me free and now im going to haunt you.

" - thats what they told us the game sad. 
Ofcourse it sounds realy cheesy if you think about it, but what struck me as odd was "IT" was refering to them as "You


And that cant be a coincidence.
After looking into their description you can find a link to the game:
Check it out on your own risk, maybe it is actualy haunted.
19.01.16 2:30 AM
Today im going to play this mod for myself, afterwards ill post an update with my experience.
19.01.16 7:23 PM
This mod is very weird. Im going to tell you what i saw in it:
Upon downloading the mod and instaling it into Serious sam: SE I saw a problem with the mod- all the letters were gliched into a horrible mess.
after a little bit of seaching about what was the problem I noted that i had to install a russian language translator mod.
And so i did.
the title screen was nothing to look at, just a bleak black screen with options:
You can't go away
Game options
Exit game
And also a very weird button saying: "Press" It appears at the top and does nothing, im guesing the person who created this din't have the time to programm it.
likewise there was a weird text at the top that i cant quite make out. Im still not sure what it says. When i go to demonstration it takes me to this screen, it says:
"Ill open"
"Your sh@$tty"
"Corpse and"
"Pull out"
"Your guts"
And on the down left it sad "No"
And there still was a mesage at the top. This time it was... Unreadable. 
Pressing any of these buttons woud make this weird letter apear.
Afterwards a series of chinese letters apeared, and you go straight into the game.
The level cosists of an endless corridor that doesent seem to have an ending. 
on the botton it says : "Its good that your going here" and you allso have a knife.
After that point its just... walking nothing else in this flore.
After a lot of time of just walking, you'll come to this passage: 
Inside is another hallway that looks like the material is mettal
at the end is a box saying: "End of flore 1"
As well as in the endless corridor, I had to walk for a wile in the "mettal area" after a phew minutes I was walking in the darkness and after a little bit of time a new weird letter apeard and i was transported to the next "flore"
I felt pretty unnerved at this point becouse i was feeling like a jumpscare is going to happen. 
But i pressed on...
The letter that was shown was the same as before, the level looked pretty nice... Well better than an endless hallway anyways.
After a bit of walknig the "flore" turned into a slope downwards, and for some reason there was invinsible beeings that just...
Move and get into your way.
the cursor gets bigger as you aproach them, but you cound not attack them the knife woud just go trough.
There was nothing else in here that had any interest so i just moved on. Until the cave got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and rocks started beeing rare're and rare're, until it just looked like a box with a stone texture.
At the end i saw a familiar face. With a not-so familiar face at the same time: He had no eye, and no mouth.
and allso i tryed to attack him, my knife went trough his body.
Behind him was a box saying : "End of flore 2"
Im done for today... but ill continue tomorrow, this seems interesting.
20.01.16 4:14 AM
I cant stop thinking about that Gnaar, and somewere in the 5-7:00 PM ill play it again we'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes.